Sunday, May 18, 2008

Last year Kathy gave Molly this fancy ant farm for Christmas. We never did it at home so I brought it to school. Miss Sinke (below with Virginia, Molly, & Jacob ordered the ants and let them loose Friday afternoon in this 'gel' enviroment. Within hours they had tunnels all over the place. At the end of the science fair Miss Sinke let us in for a sneak peak....


Anonymous said...

Molly, Ant farms are COOL! Looks like fun! Nana

Anonymous said...

Ant farms are really cool, especially when they are at SCHOOL!School must be getting close to the end of the term. When is your last day? xxxx AL

Anonymous said...

So many great photos since I last looked. School looks like so mmuch fun it's too bad you have to have the summer off! Camp Grandma is coming soon...are there any Siberian tigers in Connecticut? Love you. Grandma