Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Leave the Scene Clean" 1st Place Winner!

Keep Lee County Beautiful holds an art contest each year for all students in art class, public & private. They choose 1 poster from each grade and publish a calender. Molly won 1st place for 2nd grade. More info at: http://www.klcb.org/leavethesceneclean.htm click on the winners list link at the top.

Above Molly gets her nails painted as a treat from Gramma...

Miss Molly in her super fancy Grandpa Leone & Grandma Lynne dress...with heels!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud I think I might BURST!!!! I love you. Grandma

Anonymous said...

You are a great artist and beautiful besides!!! You an Mom look just lovely in your finery. Grandpa and Gramma Lynne have very good taste. Can anyone get one of the calendars your art work is in? Let me know please. love to you and mom. Aunt Lucia

the editor said...

wowza! where'd the little girl go and where'd that young lady come from??!!

Congrats, Miss Molly!